Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Frank Thom. I have a great testimony to share with the public, about Mighty Hacker Yuri. I was scammed of my hard earn money by promising to help me boost my bitcoin investment when I invest on their platform and they tricked me to invest what of $650,000 with them hoping to get my money back in double when it was time to recover my investment with them, I found out they have block my account and refused to communicate with me till now. To cut the long story short, I was able to do research and saw a comment about a similar experience with a bitcoin scam, and how Mighty Hacker Yuri help a victim recover back his stolen crypto within 12 hours, I decided to contact them because I was desperately in need of help to get back my life savings. They asked me some questions regarding the investment. I told them and they asked for my bitcoin wallet address, which I provided for them. To my greatest surprise, they helped me recover my invested crypto back. They are the best recovery team out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds. To contact them By using: via Email: mightyyuri@consultant.com
WhatsAp: +1 6,1,9,5,0,0,6,8,9,4
website; https://mightyyuri9.wixsite.com/mighty-hacker-yuri